This page is a private page just for my clients and customers. Since I do not know you personally, I am not sure this is for you, but the benefits will be obvious after you read the outline below.

If it resonates with you, then you will want to get on board ASAP.  If not, that’s okay too.  So, let’s get into it!

My guess is right now you probably have more books, audio programs and other self-help materials than you care to admit. And I would also be willing to guess your life may be a little bit better because you have read and studied those materials - but it’s not significantly better. This is because you have never been given an Owners Manual For Your Mind”.

When we buy a new television, a new electrical appliance or almost anything for that matter, we get an instruction manual telling us how to use it.

At no stage during the first part of my life did anyone point me in the direction of a manual that would guide me on:

HOW to THINK (not just what to think).

I am sure you didn’t get an “Owner’s Manual” either. Now you can have one!

Let me be honest with you. One of the reasons that well over 90% of people who purchase self-development programs never achieve success is that they are “Dabblers”.

Dabblers never master anything. They dabble, or try a little of this and a little of that, and then they usually move on to something else. They are hoping to find the “Secret” that will end all their problems and bring them what they desire - when the truth is they did not follow through with what they already know until they achieved the outcome they desired.

I don’t want this to happen to you, so I am pulling out all the stops to make SURE you get what you want and deserve.

What I have discovered is that no matter what we do, where we go, what we study or what self-help method we choose to fix our problems, if we don’t go to the emotional level and the mind that created it, we will never change our situation permanently.

You have to go inside your Subconscious at the emotional level and change the “Negative Trances” you hold within you. That means you have to change how you internally represent things.

All change MUST occur and it will ONLY occur this way.

If you don’t change your internal representation, you will remain in a Negative Trance state and will have the same problems for the rest of your life.

If you try to change your problem or situation using your Conscious mind, more than likely you will still be going to therapy and reading more self-help books and nothing will change.

The primary focus of Mastering Your Inner Game – An Owner’s Manual For Your Mind is not only to make permanent and SUSTAINABLE changes, but to get you to start thinking for yourself and to start thinking out of the box. To start creating your own reality instead of allowing others to create it for you.

Most of the books, audio programs and DVD programs that you have purchased in the past were probably delivered all at once. You clicked the “BUY” button and had a ton of audio, video and PDF’s files on your computer.

And unless you are the exception, you read or played one after the other. In the end you had more INFORMATION, but you still continued to purchase more programs because you never really internalized what you had learned. It is still sitting in your Conscious Mind (and on your computer).

But if you really want to make changes it has to sit in your Unconscious or Subconscious mind where it is acted upon.

To resolve this issue and make SURE you experience the changes you are looking for, I have broken down Mastering Your Inner Game – An Owner’s Manual For Your Mind into 12 lessons delivered over a 6 week period.

Each WEEK you will receive TWO lessons. Most of them in an MP3 audio format of 25-40 minutes each. One lesson will be in PDF format. So there is about 45 minutes to an hour a week of training.

When you listen to these lessons I want you to have an experience, not just compile more information. To make this simple I have broken them down into bite-size pieces. You will not only internalize the lessons, but you will enjoy learning something new every week.

I also want you to be able to MEASURE your changes. Simply, what this means is I want you to measure where you were when you started this training and where you are when you finish it. This is the only way you can know for SURE if you got your money’s worth.

The focus of Mastering Your Inner Game – An Owner’s Manual For Your Mind is to show you how to SUSTAIN change.  No one else that I know of teaches this. They show you how to MAKE the change, but not how to SUSTAIN it for the rest of your life. If you don’t do that, you will be right back where you started.

There is no sales hype here. I will simply list the lessons
that will you receive over the next 6 weeks:

Lesson 1:
The Funnel of Limitation

Learn how to become more Conscious and start ‘thinking for yourself’ to finally climb out of the FUNNEL OF LIMITATION.

Lesson 2:
One Brain - Two Minds

Discover what is REALLY going on inside your Subconscious and Conscious mind (most people don’t have a clue about this).

Lesson 3:
The Trojan Horse
Within Your Mind

Find exactly how the "Critical Faculty" in your mind blocks you from making changes – and what you can do about it.

Lesson 4:
Conflicting Mind –
Conflicting Life

Resolve the conflict between your Conscious and sub-Conscious mind, once and for all for maximum results.

Lesson 5:
How And Why We
Produce Problems and Symptoms in Our Lives

This is where we will kick it up a notch. Learn how to STOP Unconsciously creating problems and shift your mindset from 'Victim' to 'Reality Shaper'.

Lesson 6:
How To be Your
Own Therapist

Discover how to remove your limitations by simply reversing how you created them.

Lesson 7:
Removing and
Replacing Negative Trances

De-hypnotize yourself and remove the limiting trances that are running your life.

Lesson 8:
The Neuro-Tap Change Protocol – How To Make Rapid Changes

Learn the exact change work process I use with my one-on-one clients. It is easy to do and can be done anytime, anywhere and it works IMMEDIATELY with MEASURABLE results.

Lesson 9:
Your Mind and
Your Health

Learn how and why we have illness,
and how you can heal your mind and
your body.

Lesson 10:
The True Nature of your BEING – A Blueprint of Your Personal Destiny

Discover why you are here and
what your journey is REALLY about.

Lesson 11:
Giving Up A
Lifetime Of Struggle –
Making Life Easy

Dispel the myth of struggle and
completely remove it from your life.

Lesson 12:
Your Journey Starts Now –
Refining Your Reality For Guaranteed Success

Start your journey and SHAPE YOUR REALITY so that you are always on the
right path, at the right time with the outcome virtually guaranteed.

I do want to point out one lesson in particular which is the NEURO-TAP Change Protocol.  This is not the same as other “tapping” methods that use meridians. In fact, there are only two taps, but the WAY you do it and the signals it sends to your brain using the protocol will have an IMMEDIATE and MEASURABLE effect in changing your self-limiting beliefs and the emotions behind them that are driving you. You do not have to listen to an audio program to do it. You can do it anytime, anywhere and it works like magic!

These are the very same lessons I gave to my 25 Inner Circle members. EACH ONE reported SIGNIFICANT changes in their life. In fact, they were blown away by what they had experienced.  I believe you will be too.

The audio recordings you will receive are created from my notes that I used with my Inner Circle. I put lessons together in such a way that you get exactly what you need. No fluff or filler.

I absolute know you will be delighted with these lessons. They will transform how you think, what you think, and your ability to Master Your Inner Game.

You will become a Master of Change and be able to turn any negative situation to your advantage, almost immediately.

Okay, how much will this cost? I won’t give you “The regular price is $500 but you can have it for $97” routine. You can still have it for $97. But to just put it into perspective, my Inner Circle members pay $5,000 per year for ongoing training and ALL of them felt that the Mastering Your Inner Game – An Owner’s Manual For Your Mind was worth the cost of their yearly membership. 

I can make it available to you for ONLY $97 simply because the cost is spread over thousands of clients and customers.

Your 100% Iron-Clad Money-Back Guarantee:
I’ll make this simple. If you’re not happy any time within 8 weeks from the date you sign up, let me know and you can have your money refunded – all of it – no questions asked.

Mastering Your Inner Game – An Owner’s Manual For Your Mind is the culmination of over thirty years of experience in this field. If I died tomorrow, (which I have no plans to do at the moment!) this is what I would want to be remembered by. It is my greatest gift to my friends, clients and subscribers.

If you are ready to make MASSIVE CHANGES in your life, as well as enjoy the journey, you can sign up right now.

Many of you have been with me a long time and I want to thank again for your ongoing support of my work. I do my best to over-deliver and I think you will see that this is the case with Mastering Your Inner Game – An Owner’s Manual For Your Mind.

Kind regards,

Dr. Robert Anthony

Copyright © 2025 Dr. Robert Anthony. All rights reserved.